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Assurant Health Plans

Assurant Health Plans
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Assurant Health provides a large range of health plans and benefits to fit many different needs. Their individual portfolio includes individual health insurance, health savings account plans, and short-term health plans. The combination of having one of the largest provider networks (PHCS) and offering more individual health plan options than any insurance company in Illinois have made Assurant a popular choice for Illinois residents.

Assurant News


CoreMed Plan

CoreMed Plan Documents

Our Rating: Assurant Health Plans

Assurant Health Plans CoreMed Video

The CoreMed Plan is Assurant’s most comprehensive PPO health plan. If you want broad coverage at the best value, CoreMed is for you. It’s the most cost-effective plan for both everyday and catastrophic needs. You’ll be able to control your premiums without giving up benefits, and you can still choose to add optional features, like an office visit copay, for more protection and convenience. Providing unlimited lifetime benefits, CoreMed offers quality and flexibility. For more detailed information and plan details, please review the Brochure.

OneDeductible HSA/PPO

OneDeductible HSA Plan Documents

Our Rating: Assurant Health Plans

Assurant Health Plans OneDeductible Video

This is the most popular Assurant plan. This plan offers one deductible for the entire family, so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of individual expenses. After you have met your family deductible, the plan pays 100%, 80% or 50% of all covered expenses including prescription expenses. This plan also covers wellness services at 100% per year, before the deductible is met.

OneDeductible Plans with a $3,750 individual or $7,500 family deductible or higher have a 24-month rate guarantee, meaning your rates will not increase for 2 years!

One Decreasing Deductible HSA

OneDecreasing Deductible

Our Rating: Assurant Health Plans

Assurant Health Plans One Decreasing Deductible Video

The One Decreasing Deductible allows you to earn deductible credit on 100% coinsurance plans with a deductible of $2850 or more for individuals and $5700 or more for families. After the plan has been in force for just two months, you receive a 10% credit, twice a year on January 1 and July 1, which reduces the amount you pay of your plan deductible.

Each 10% credit is based on the amount of the plan deductible. For a family with a $10,000 deductible, that’s $1,000 in savings with each credit. And, the savings potential doubles to $2,000 because credits are available twice a year. Every year starts out with a 10% credit on January 1, even if the decreasing deductible was satisfied in the previous year. And, they’ll apply another credit on July 1 if the decreasing deductible is not yet satisfied.

Assurant Health Portfolio

The One Decreasing Deductible continues to go down until covered charges accumulate to satisfy it, or the amount reaches $1,500 individual/$3,000 family. The threshold assures that the plans remain compliant with Health Savings Account (HSA) regulations for those who choose to take advantage of the HSA.

With the One Decreasing Deductible, you get the premium savings of a higher deductible plan, and one deductible that decreases twice a year. Individuals and families with $5,000/$10,000 deductible plans will see as much as 70% in deductible savings when credits accumulate year after year. One Decreasing Deductible is included with One Deductible 100% coinsurance plans with deductibles at or above $2,850 individual/$5,700 family.

The OneDeductible HSA Plans are health savings account (HSA) eligible plans. For additional information on Assurant’s HSA Plans, please look at the Assurant HSA Brochure and HSA FAQ page or watch the Basics of Health Savings Accounts Video. With these deductibles, you also have the option of paying an additional monthly premium to lock in your rates for 36 months. This is the longest health insurance rate guarantee we are aware of. All other deductible options have a 12 month rate guarantee.

Optional Benefits

Suite Solutions

Assurant Health Plans SuiteSolutions Video

Suite Solutions is an optional benefit that allows you to increase your coverage and reduce your personal medical costs to complement higher deductible plans. SuiteSolutions offers two options, SecureSolution and SelectSolution – with coverage that helps pay out-of-pocket health expenses, regardless of your deductible.


When you choose SecureSolution, you enjoy a variety of benefits, including

  • $10,000 Accident Benefit – for primary insured, spouse, and each child per accident to offset expenses such as your major medical deductible and coinsurance.
  • $10,000 Accident Death and Dismemberment Benefit – for the primary insured, $1,000 for spouse and each child.
  • Weekly Accident Indemnity Benefit – 70% of basic weekly salary to a maximum of $250 per week, up to 52 weeks for primary insured only

SelectSolution includes all the SecureSolution benefits and further expands your peace of mind with an additional benefits including:

  • Critical Illness Expense Benefit – of up to $10,000.
  • Identity Theft Protection – of up to $2,500
  • Discounts – 10%- 50% off on dental services, complementary and alternative medicines, eyewear and contacts, and hearing aids

SecureSolution vs SelectSolution Comparison

BenefitSecure SolutionSelect Solution

Accident Medical Expense Benefit– $2500, $5000, or $1000 benefit ($100 deductible)



Accident Death & Dismemberment Benefit – up to $10,000 for the primary insured and $1000 for spouse and each child



Weekly Accident Indemnity Benefit – 70% of basic weekly salary up to $250 per week up to 52 weeks, for primary insured only



Critical Illness Expense Benefit – Covers life-threatening cancer, heart-attack, stroke, paralysis, renal failure, coma, transplants. (Must equal Accident Medical Expense Benefit)



Identity Network Child Safety Services – Pre-registry of children using photos and descriptions



Identity Theft Benefit – up to $2500 in financial relief, including reimbursement for related costs, lost wages, legal fees, and expenses



Travel Assistance – emergency medical, financial, legal, and communication assistance. Multilingual information service available before and during travel if traveling 100 or more miles from home



Discounts – up to 60% off items such as health club dues, hearing aids and hotel and travel packages



Accident Medical Expense Benefit

In the event of an accident, this benefit will pay up to $2,500, $5,000, or $10,000, whichever amount you choose, before you pay any copay, access fee, deductible, or coinsurance.

First Dollar Preventive Service Benefit

Wellness benefits included with 100% coverage on many services: Preventive services listed on the United States Preventive Services Task Force Web site are now covered with no waiting period on all Assurant plans. Services listed as Grades A and B are paid at 100% before customers pay deductible or coinsurance. Go to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force website and review the “Recommendations” for more information. The “Grade” is listed in the summary of each recommendation.

Maternity Benefit

Assurant Health no longer offers a maternity benefit for Illinois individual health insurance plans.