Assurant Health – One Decreasing Deductible

Assurant Health - One Decreasing Deductible
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Assurant Health - One Decreasing Deductible

One Decreasing Deductible from Assurant Health is a rewarding, valuable and smart option for you and your family. The One Decreasing Deductible health insurance plan earns credits to reduce the amount you pay of your deductible. You may never pay your full deductible again.

The One Decreasing Deductible is your plan deductible REDUCED by the credits that accumulate twice a year, Assurant Health applies a 10% credit that reduces the amount you pay of the plan deductible, until the deductible is met. The more credits you accumulate the less you pay.

How Deductible Credit Works

    • 10% credit available twice a year – You start accumulating credits on January 1 and July 1 after your plan has been in force for two months. Each credit is 10% of your plan deductible.


    • Each year starts out with a 10% credit on January 1 – Even if you meet your One Decreasing Deductible in the previous year, Assurant Health will start the next year with a 10% credit on January 1. And, they will apply another credit on July 1 if you haven’t met your One Decreasing Deductible.


    • Credits Start over after you meet your deductible – After you meet your One Decreasing Deductible, Assurant Health will pay expenses at 100% – according to your plan. You won’t collect any more credits for the calendar year because your deductible has been met and your accumulating credits have been used. But, the following January 1, the process starts over with your plan deductible and your first 10% credit for the new year.

Assurant Health Portfolio

    • Credits accumulate over time – Credits accumulate, year after year, until your One Decreasing Deductible is met. The deductible is your insurance contract stays the same but, credit by credit, the deductible amount you have to pay is reduced.


    • Savings as much as 70% – As you accumulate credits, your One Decreasing Deductible can go as low as $1,500 for individual coverage or $3,000 for family coverage. With the highest deductible options, you may see deductible savings as much as 70%


  • Automatic – The credits you accumulate are applied automatically when you meet or exceed your One Decreasing Deductible.

Deductible Options

One Decreasing Deductible is available on 100% coinsurance plans with several different plan deductible options. Choose a deductible that fits your pocketbook and your lifestyle:

  • Individual plan deductibles of $2,850, $2,750, or $5,000
  • Family plan deductibles of $5,700, $7,500, or $10,000

Supplemental products expand your coverage (optional)…

    • Dental Insurance – This fee-for-service plan pays cash benefits that help offset the cost of routine, basic and major dental services. With Health Dental Insurance you:
      • Choose a plan – Basic or Plus
      • Visit and dentist
      • Receive quick cash benefits – sent directly to you, or your provider if you prefer
      • Can retain the coverage even if you choose to discontinue your individual coverage


  • Life Insurance – The term life insurance product is available to everyone on your individual medical plan – you decide who will be covered. The options are: primary insured only, spouse only, primary insured and spouse only, dependents and primary insured and / or spouse.

Life Insurance face amount options are:

  • $50,000, $75,000, $100,000, $150,000 or $200,000 for primary insured or spouse
  • $10,000 or $25,000 for dependents ages one year to eighteen years
  • $2,000 for dependents ages two months to one year

An accidental death benefit equal to two times the face amount in included. And, an accelerated benefit equal to 50% of the face amount of the policy is paid if a covered person is diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a life expectancy of 12 months or less.

SuiteSolutions – offers two options…

Today, many people are choosing major medical plans with higher deductibles to keep premiums at a level that fits their budgets. SecureSolution and SelectSolution complement higher deductible plans with benefits that help you pay out-of-pocket, health related expenses. Both plans are brought to you through your membership in Health Advocates Alliance.

SecureSolution – When you choose SecureSolution, you enjoy a variety of benefits, including financial protection against accidents. SecureSolution provides up to $10,000 per accident to offset expenses such as your major medical deductible and coinsurance.

SelectSolution – SelectSolution further expands your peace of mind with an additional Critical Illness Expense benefit of up to $10,000. Identity theft protection of up to $2,500, child safety services and valuable discounts are also included.