Contact Information

Contact Information

The following phone and address information is for Illinois residents enrolled in Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois individual, family, and medicare health insurance plans:

Customer Service

(800) 538-8833

Medicare Supplement and Blue MedicareRx applications

Fax applications to: (847) 220-9280

Mental Health Service

(800) 851-7498

Coverage while Traveling Outside of Illinois

(800) 810-2583

Health Care Provider Inquiry

(800) 972-8088

Claims Mailing Address

Mail claims to:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
P.O. Box 3235
Naperville, IL 60566-7235
Fax: (630) 328-4356

Premium Payment Mailing Address

Mail Premium Payments to:
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
P.O. Box 3240
Naperville, IL 60566-7240

Medicare Supplement Premium Payment Mailing Address

Mail Premium Payments to:
BCBSIL Medicare Supplement Payment Team
Dept. 0038
Palatine, IL 60055-0038