Mutual of Omaha

Medicare Supplement Plans

Ambetter Health Insurance
Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plans are highly popular in Illinois and usually have the lowest rates. They take an attained-age rating approach to pricing their Medicare supplements and have lower rates for non-tobacco users.

By law, Medicare Supplement insurance is standardized into twelve plans (Plans A through L). That means Plan F from one company must include the same benefits as plan F from another company. While the benefits must be the same, each company’s rates, reputation, membership features and quality of service can vary. With Mutual of Omaha, you don’t have to sacrifice comprehensive benefits or freedom-of-choice for affordability. Their Medicare Supplement plans provide substantial benefits at rates that can save you money over other plans.

Medicare Supplement

Plan G

By far the most popular Medicare Supplement plan. The only difference between plan F and Plan G is; Plan G does not pay for the Part B annual deductible of $257. Part B coinsurance of 20% after the deductible is payed in full, and the Part A Benefit Period deductible of $1,676 and coinsurance is covered. Keep in mind, when comparing Plans F and G, if the monthly premium savings is more than $257 per year for plan G, it’s a better value.

Medicare Supplement

Plan N

A lesser known plan that has great value, plan N provides a unique mix of comprehensive benefits coupled with an excellent monthly premium. Plan N is a little different than F and G in that Plan N does not cover the Medicare Part B deductible, or the Part B Excess Charges. To learn more about Excess Charges please click here (Click Here). Also with Plan N, when you see a doctor for an outpatient visit you will be responsible for a $20 Co-pay.

Medicare Supplement

Plan A

Plan A is the most basic and least expensive Medicare Supplement plan.

Medicare Supplement

Plan F

The most popular. No other standardized Medicare Supplement plan offered offers more complete protection.


Supplement Vision Plan

 The vision plan is automatically included with the supplemental plan.

Mutual of Omaha Member Benefits

All Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement plans give you:

  • Guaranteed Acceptance with no health questions asked during intial enrollment period
  • Freedom to choose any doctors or specialists
  • Coverage with domestic travel (Plan F and Plan G cover foreign travel)
  • Guaranteed renewability regardless of changes in your health
  • Coverage guaranteed to match Medicare’s cost increases year after year
  • No claim forms, in most cases
  • Vision Discount Plan included in every plan at no cost.


Mutual of Omaha was founded in 1909

Mutual of Omaha has been one of the nations most trusted and recognized insurance companies for the past 100 years. Mutual of Omaha is a Fortune 1000 insurance and financial services company based in Omaha, Nebraska. The company’s name is synonymous with the wildlife television program, Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, which ran from the 1960’s through the 1980’s.

Mutual of Omaha is rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Company, and independent insurance rating organization.

What Medicare Doesn’t Cover

Medicare does not cover all health care costs. Medicare coverage consists of Part A (which covers hospital and skilled nursing facility care), and Part B (which covers doctor bills and other medical expenses).

Even with Medicare Part A and Part B coverage, you’re responsible for some out-of-pocket expenses including:

  • Part A hospital deductible ($1,676)
  • Part B deductible ($257)
  • Copayments for hospital stays over 60 days
  • Care in a skilled nursing facility after 20 days
  • Twenty percent coinsurance for doctor bills and other medical expenses


Medicare Supplement Basic Benefits

Basic benefits included in all Medicare Supplement plans include:

  • Hospitalization – Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits end.
  • Medical Expenses – Part B coinsurance (generally 20% of Medicare-approved expenses), or in the case of hospital outpatient department services under a prospective payment system, applicable copayments.
  • Blood – First three pints of blood each year.


Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plans Comparison

For a more detailed description of the plan benefits and rates, view the specific Mutual of Omaha plan pages. 

Basic BenefitsXXXX
Skilled Nursing CoinsuranceXXX
Part A DeductibleXXX
Part B DeductibleX
Part B Excess (100%)XXX
Foreign Travel EmergencyXX
At Home Recovery
Annual Out-of-Pocket Cost


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