Great Savings
Enjoy unlimited savings with the EyeMed program by simply presenting your Medicare supplement ID card.
The valued-added vision plan offers significant savings including:
- $50 Eye exams
- 40% off frames up to $140
- Discounted fixed pricing on lenses and lens options
- 30% off other add-ons and services
Provider Convenience
With EyeMed, access to quality eye care and eyewear is convenient. Members have the choice of thousands of providers nationwide including leading optical retailers or private practitioners. Save on the exam and eyewear at one location or choose the provider that’s right for your eye care needs and have the prescription filled at any convenient location.
You can search EyeMed providers here: https://www.eyemedvisioncare.com/locator/locator.emvc;JLOCATORSESSION=vW2rZWRSvR7dLYRk47qpG64HTt7PdQccgZvnrT1HN5QGmy2YLntm!1024239453?execution=e1s1
what are the premiums for the EyeMed product? How would a person enroll? I am not 65 until September, so my Medicare benefits haven’t started yet.
The EyeMed plan is automatically included in every Mutual of Omaha medicare supplement plan. If you would need additional vision benefits, we would recommend purchasing and additional EyeMed vision plan through Ameritas for around $10/month: https://www.securitylife.com/personal-plans?agnt=9DQ2
is this just for eye exams and eyewear. what about cataract surgery or other surgery?
Cataract surgery or other surgeries would be covered by the supplement at 100% with Plan G or F.
I need special eye drops, they are a prescrition. $ 490.00. How much of this will plan G cover
Hi Pamela, you need to purchase a separate Medicare Part D plan to cover prescriptions eye drops and most prescriptions.