by Admin | Dec 11, 2008 | Insurance News, Politics
Health care reform is near the top of the list for incoming President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats, but a majority of U.S. voters (58%) oppose any kind of government-controlled health plan if it means they have to change their own insurance coverage.... by Admin | Jul 16, 2008 | Insurance News, Politics
By Monique Garcia | Chicago Tribune reporter When Brianna Dicianni was diagnosed with autism two years ago, doctors said the girl would never learn to speak. Undeterred, her family sought therapy, only to run into another roadblock: Because their insurance company... by Admin | Jul 14, 2008 | Insurance News, Politics
A coalition of liberal groups that includes major labor unions such as the Service Employees International Union and the activist group announced today it will spend $40 million to make health insurance a major issue in the campaign, with Elizabeth Edwards,... by Admin | Jun 29, 2008 | Insurance News, Politics
WASHINGTON — Social Security officials, concerned about the risk of identity theft, are calling for immediate action to remove Social Security numbers from the Medicare cards used by millions of Americans. But Medicare officials have resisted the proposal, saying it...