by Admin | Mar 17, 2009 | Insurance News, Uncategorized
More than three-quarters of adult Americans who have health insurance say they still worry about paying more for their medical care, and nearly 50 percent say they’re “very” or “extremely” worried about the issue, a new Harris... by Admin | Feb 23, 2009 | Insurance News, Uncategorized
According to a report released today by the liberal Center for American Progress and also the group Health Care for America Now, 14,000 Americans are losing health-care insurance every day during this economic crisis. Since the recession began, the report says, an... by Admin | Feb 10, 2009 | Insurance News, Uncategorized
You brace for bad news as the pharmacist rings up the charges for your prescription medicines. Even with insurance, you’ve discovered that copayments add up and put a big dent in your budget. If only there were a way to cut costs. Across the nation, countless... by Admin | Jan 23, 2009 | Insurance News, Uncategorized
A new pet health-insurance guide for veterinarians was released at this month’s North American Veterinary Conference, representing the latest push by organized veterinary medicine to get practitioners on board with third-party payment systems. “A Veterinarian’s Guide... by Admin | Jan 23, 2009 | Insurance News, Uncategorized
As employers nationwide struggle with rising health care costs, many have implemented a variety of cost saving initiatives. A recent health care survey found the majority of public sector employers are working to control costs by implementing disease management and... by Admin | Jan 23, 2009 | Insurance News, Uncategorized
Like most companies, RedPeg Marketing offers perks to its employees. The Alexandria, Virginia, experiential marketing firm hands out trophies for good performance and provides breakfast at staff meetings. Employees can compete in an annual Connect Four tournament as...