Assurant Health – Short Term Plan Eligibility Guidelines

Assurant Health - Short Term Plan Eligibility Guidelines
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In Illinois, persons eligible for Assurant Health short-term medical insurance include:

  • Healthy individuals between the ages of 30 days and age 64 and 11 months
  • Dependent children through age 18 (age 24 if a full-time student)
  • Foreign residents living in the U.S. for at least one year at the time of enrollment, with proof of Alien Registration Receipt Card, Visa or other appropriate documentation

Additionally, individuals must be able to answer “no” to the 2 questions in the Assurant medical questionnaire below. If you can “yes” to any of the questions in the questionnaire, you are not eligible for coverage and may want to consider a guaranteed-issue plan

Assurant Short-Term Medical Questionnaire

Answer the following questions completely and accurately.
1. Have/Are you, your spouse, or any person to be insured:

  • been denied insurance due to any health reasons that are still present?
  • now pregnant, an expectant parent, in the process of adopting a child or undergoing infertility treatment?
  • over 300 pounds if male, or over 250 pounds if female?

2. For any of the following conditions within the last 5 years, have you or any person to be insured received any abnormal test results or medical or surgical treatment, or consulted a health care professional, or taken medication for:

  • heart disorder including but not limited to heart attack or chest pain?
  • Emphysema?
  • Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or hepatitis?
  • AIDS or tested positive for HIV?
  • stroke?
  • kidney disorder, excluding kidney stones?
  • diabetes?
  • cancer or tumor?
  • alcoholism, chemical dependency, drug or alcohol abuse?