Illinois Insurance News

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BCBSIL Files 2016 Rates – What You Need to Know

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) recently filed its 2016 rates with the state. BCBSIL’s rate filings reflect our intention to offer an array of competitively priced products and services to our existing and potential retail customers on and off Get...

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IRS Releases 2016 HSA Limits

On May 4, 2015, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released Revenue Procedure 2015-30 which details the inflation-adjusted amounts that impact qualified high deductible health plans and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for the 2016 calendar year, as outlined below:...

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ObamaCare Mandate: Exemption and Tax Penalty

The ObamaCare Mandate and How You Can Qualify for an Exemption from the Tax “Penalty” ObamaCare Mandate: Those who choose not to purchase insurance will have to pay a tax “penalty” unless they qualify for an exemption. Exemptions from ObamaCare’s tax “penalty” mandate...

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Clarification on Health Insurance Special Enrollment Periods

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is providing additional clarification around the qualifying event of gaining/losing a dependent through birth/adoption/fostercare/placement for adoption, which triggers a Special Enrollment opportunity. The Special...

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High Court narrows PPACA contraceptive mandate

June 30 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a blow to President Barack Obama’s health-care law, ruling that closely held companies can refuse on religious grounds to offer birth- control coverage to their workers. Voting 5-4, the justices today said family-run...

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