Illinois Insurance News

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Obamacare 2014 Plan Deadline Extended

The Obama administration confirmed to The Washington Post a little bit ago that it is indeed tweaking the way the individual mandate works as to not penalize anyone who purchases coverage during this first open enrollment period. It's not quite right to describe this...

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Obamacare Illinois Rates Released

The federal department overseeing President Obama's health care overhaul has published a database of insurance plan rates for counties in 34 states, including the 102 in Illinois. The Quinn administration has declined to release such detailed information, which...

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Small Employer Exchange Delayed

The Exchanges are scheduled to open this Tuesday, but regulators announced today that there will be some delays to the Small Business Health Options Program, also known as the SHOP Exchange. Employers with fewer than 50 employees are still expected to have the ability...

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Illinois Obamacare Rates Still Not Released

With less than three weeks left until a key launch date for the nation's health care law, Illinois residents planning to shop for health insurance on a new online marketplace still don't know which companies will offer plans or what the policies will cost. The...

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Affordable Care Act Postpones Employer Penalty

Obamacare faced another significant setback yesterday when the administration announced it would delay the implementation of the employer penalties by a year until 2015. The Obama team bowed to complaints from business groups about the impact the law would have on...

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