BCBSIL BlueCare Dental Offers Largest Network of Access Points

Mar 29, 2010 | Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Insurance News | 0 comments

BlueCare Dental provides members with access to the nation’s largest dental care network of access points, with more than 152,000 nationwide.* With so many access points, BlueCare Dental members have great flexibility to see a dentist and use their BlueCare Dental benefits when and where it is convenient for them.

BlueCare Dental providers are credentialed, and the network has the largest number of dental access points in many states, including Illinois. Across the state, members will find 5,711 access points.** In fact, contracting dentists are located in all 50 states. Also, the average provider discount in Illinois is 32.6 percent (based on the average in-force fees).

With Blue Access® for Members (BAM) at www.bcbsil.com, it’s easy for members to select a dentist because they can search for a provider online any time. BAM’s Provider Finder® tool is updated weekly with new network information.

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