Blue Cross Blue Shield of IL Expanding BlueEdge HSA Deductible Options

Dec 22, 2008 | Blue Cross Blue Shield, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, Health Savings Accounts, Insurance News | 0 comments

To capitalize on heightened consumer interest in higher deductible plans, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is introducing a new deductible option to the BlueEdge Individual HSA (health savings account) plan. Along with the current deductible offerings of $1150, $1750, $2600 and $5000, a new deductible option of $3500 is being added beginning January 1, 2009.

The new $3500 deductible plan is available at both 80 percent and 100 percent coverage levels, with or without maternity benefits. Marketing of the $3500 deductible began November 15, 2008 with effective dates of January 1, 2009 or later.

Also, effective January 1, 2009, the deductible level for the $1100 plan increases to $1150, in keeping with the IRS HSA minimum deductible guidelines.

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