Blue Cross BlueShield of Illinois
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BlueChoice Value Plans

BlueChoice Value Overview

Our Rating: BlueChoice Value Plans

BlueChoice Value gives you major medical coverage at a reduced premium cost by utilizing the money-saving BlueChoice Network and eliminating office visit and prescription co-payments. With the exception of well-child care, all claims are subject to the deductible and coinsurance.

BlueChoice Value is a smart choice for reliable health insurance coverage at rates to fit your budget. BlueChoice Value is a great combination of benefits and price.

Key BlueChoice Value® plan features include:
  • Access to the BlueChoice PPO Network, a smaller version of the largest BCBS PPO network in Illinois
  • Well-child care
  • 80% coinsurance
  • Family deductible is only 2x the individual deductible
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Hospital services
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Access to the BlueCard PPO network when traveling out-of-state
  • Optional dental coverage
  • Unlimited lifetime maximum

Learn more about valuable member services and features you get when you join the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois family.

BlueChoice Value Costs

Health insurance costs include monthly premium payments, individual/family deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses, copayments, and coinsurance. Here is what you can expect with BlueChoice Value® plans:

  • Individual in-network deductibles ranging from $250 to $5000 – customize your plan by choosing a deductible amount that works best for your situation
  • You pay 20% coinsurance on prescription drugs after deductible is met
  • You pay 20% coinsurance of major services provided in-network, after deductible and copayments are met
  • Annual out-of-pocket maximum of $3,000 for individuals and $6,000 for families

By using a contracting BlueChoice Value PPO hospital, doctor or specialist you are able to save on premiums and the cost of covered services. You do not need to select a primary care physician or obtain a referral to see a specialist.

For more information on costs, get a quick quote or see the benefit summary.

What’s Included with BlueChoice Value®

  • Coverage for major hospital, medical and surgical expenses incurred as a result of a covered accident or sickness
  • Coverage for daily hospital room and board, miscellaneous hospital services, surgical services, anesthesia services, in-hospital medical services, and out-of-hospital care
  • Although you can go to the hospital or doctor of your choice, your benefits under a BlueChoice Value® plan will be higher, and your costs lower, when you use the services of participating BlueChoice® providers.
  • As with all individual Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois plans, the freedom of not having to select a primary care doctor or obtain a referral to see a specialist

Prescription Drug Coverage

For the BlueChoice Value plans, there is a prescription drug benefit of 80% coinsurance after the deductible is satisfied for all BlueChoice Value plans.

Outpatient Prescription Drug BenefitYou PayBlueChoice Value Pays
After deductible
Brand formulary & Insulin and Insulin syringes20%80%
Brand non-formulary20%80%

Plan Renewals

Your BCBSIL policy can ONLY be terminated for the following reasons:

  • Failure to pay
  • The plan is discontinued (90 days notice given with an option to convert to any plan we offer)
  • Discovery of fraud or an intentional misrepresentation of facts (30 days prior written notice given)
  • If you no longer reside, live or work in an area where we are authorized to do business

BlueChoice Value® Limits

Every insurance plan has limitations. These limits are there to keep health care costs down for everyone. A pre-existing condition is just one example of a plan limitation. For example:

  • A pre-existing condition may limit or exclude your participation in a plan.
  • There is a waiting period of 365 days for pre-existing conditions, including optional maternity coverage.
  • This means your health care expenses related to that specific condition will not be covered by the plan during the specified time.

It’s important to know the limitations of your health plan. For a list of exclusions and limitations, see the benefit summary.

Add-ons and Plan Options

You can customize any BlueChoice Value plan with add-on coverage and insurance.

Optional Maternity Coverage

  • Covers inpatient and outpatient hospital services
  • Includes coverage for medical and surgical services
  • Maternity benefits begin 365 days after the effective date of the maternity coverage

Optional Dental Coverage

  • Covers cleanings, check-ups and other preventive procedures immediately – no waiting period
  • One of the highest maximum benefit amounts available – up to $1,500 per person per year
  • Up to 20 percent discount for orthodontic services at participating providers
  • Learn more about optional dental coverage

BlueChoice Value Plans

BlueChoice Value – Outline of Coverage

Our Rating:BlueChoice Value Plans

Plan FeatureIn-NetworkOut-of-Network
PPO NetworkBluechoice PPO NetworkN/A
Lifetime Maximum BenefitUnlimited
Per individual, per calendar year. (If two or more family members receive covered services as a result of injuries received in the same accident, only one Deductible will apply.)

Carryover Deductible
If an insured incurs covered expenses for the Deductible in the last three months of the calendar year, BCBSIL will carry over that amount as credit toward the Deductible for the following calendar year.

(per individual)
(per individual)
Family Aggregate Deductible
Per family, per calendar year.

Carryover Deductible
If an insured incurs covered expenses for the Deductible in the last three months of the calendar year, BCBSIL will carry over that amount as credit toward the Deductible for the following calendar year.

Equal to two times the individual Deductible
Hospital Admission Deductible
Per admission, per individual
The level of coverage provided by the plan after the calendar year Deductible has been satisfied.
Out-of-Pocket Expense Limit
The amount of money an individual pays toward covered hospital and medical expenses during any one calendar year.
Family Out-of-Pocket Expense Limit$6,000$12,000
Inpatient/Outpatient Physician Medical/Surgical Services80%50%
Wellness Care
From age 16. Covers services associated with both an annual physical exam and an annual gynecological exam. Includes immunizations and routine diagnostic tests received or ordered on the same day as part of the exam when covered services are received in provider’s office.
Covered at 100%, deductible waived50%1
Well-Child Care
To age 16. Includes immunizations, physical exams and routine diagnostic tests.
Covered at 100%, deductible waived50%1
Inpatient/Outpatient Hospital Services
Includes surgery, pre-admission testing and services received in a skilled nursing facility, coordinated home care program and hospice. (For mental health coverage levels please refer to mental health benefits.)
Inpatient/Outpatient Hospital Diagnostic Testing
Includes, but not limited to, X-rays, lab tests, EKGs ECGs, pathology services, preliminary function studies, radioisotope tests, and electromyograms
Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapist
($3,000 maximum per therapy, per calendar year)
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction and Related Disorders
($1,000 lifetime maximum)
Optional Maternity Coverage
Inpatient/Outpatient Hospital services and Physician Medical/Surgical services.

When elected, maternity benefits will begin 365 days after the effective date of the maternity coverage.

Outpatient Emergency Care (Accident or Illness)
For both Hospital and Physician
80% after you pay $75 co-payment2
Additional Surgical Opinion Program
Following a recommendation for elective surgery, provides additional consultations and related diagnostic service by a Physician, as needed.
Other Covered Services
Ambulance services; durable medical equipment; services of a private duty nursing service ($1,000 per month maximum1); naprapathic services rendered by a Naprapath ($1,000 per calendar year maximum1); artificial limbs and other prosthetic devices; oxygen and its administration; blood plasma; leg, arm and neck braces; surgical dressings; casts and splints
Mental Illness Treatment and Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Treatment
Inpatient Care
(30 Inpatient Hospital days per calendar year)
Hospital (first 14 days)60%150%1
Hospital (after 14 days)50%150%1
Outpatient Care
(30 visits per calendar year combined annual maximum and 100 visits per lifetime maximum))
Physician and Hospital50%150%1
Medical Services Advisory (MSA1)
In order to maximize your benefits, the Policyholder is responsible for notifying the MSA for Hospital admissions at Non-Participating and Non-Plan Hospitals. (MSA notification by the Policyholder is NOT required when services are rendered in a Participating Hospital.) MSA notification is required within three business days for non-emergencies and within one business day for emergencies and maternity admissions. Failure to contact the MSA will result in a reduction of Hospital benefits of $1,000.1

Mental Health Unit
In order to maximize your benefits, the Policyholder is responsible for notifying the Mental Health Unit for ALL care related to mental health and substance abuse. In the event of an admission, for either mental illness or substance abuse, notification is required three days prior for non-emergencies and within 24 hours or as soon as reasonably possible for emergencies. Failure to contact the Mental Health Unit may result in a reduction of benefits of up to $1,000.1

Outpatient Prescription Drug BenefitYou PayBlueValue Pays
After deductible
Brand formulary & Insulin and Insulin syringes20%180%
Brand non-formulary20%180%

Benefits for covered services are provided at either the Eligible Charge or the Maximum Allowance. Consult the Policy for definitions and your financial responsibility.

1 Does not apply to out-of-pocket expense limit.
2 Deductible does not apply.


A $300 per Hospital admission Deductible will apply.* If using a Non-Plan Provider, benefit are reduced to 50%. However, with the exception of alcoholism, no benefits are available for Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Treatment. Also, Outpatient Hospital and Physician emergency care, and additional surgical opinions are paid at 100%, regardless of the coverage level or Provider selected.


Pre-existing Conditions are those health conditions which were diagnosed or treated by a Provider during the 12 months prior to the coverage effective date, or for which symptoms existed which would cause an ordinarily prudent person to seek diagnosis or treatment. Any Pre-existing Condition will be subject to a waiting period of 365 days.


Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois may change premium rates only if they do so on a class basis for all DB-43 HCSC policies. Premiums can be changed based on age, sex, and rating area.


Coverage under this Policy will be terminated for non-payment of premium. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois can refuse to renew this Policy only for the following reasons:

A. If all Policies bearing form number DB-43 HCSC are not renewed, written notice will be provided at least 90 days before coverage is discontinued. Furthermore, you may convert to any other individual policy Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois offer to the individual market.

B. In the event of fraud or an intentional misrepresentation of material fact under the terms of the coverage, written notice will be given at least 30 days before coverage is discontinued.

Hospitalization, Services, and supplies which are not Medically Necessary; Services or supplies that are not specifically mentioned in this Policy; Services or supplies for any illness or injury arising out of or in the course of employment for which benefits are available under any Workers’ Compensation Law or other similar laws whether or not you make a claim for such compensation or receive such benefits except where not required by law; Services or supplies that are furnished to you by the local, state, or federal government; Services and supplies for any illness or injury occurring on or after your Coverage Date as a result of war or an act of war; Services or supplies that do not meet accepted standards of medical or dental practice; Investigational Services and Supplies, including all related services and supplies; Custodial Care Service; Routine physical examinations, unless specifically stated in this Policy; Services or supplies received during an Inpatient stay when the stay is primarily related to behavioral, social maladjustment, lack of discipline, or other antisocial actions which are not specifically the result of Mental Illness; Cosmetic Surgery and related services and supplies, except for the correction of congenital deformities or for conditions resulting from accidental injuries, scars, tumors, or diseases; Services or supplies for which you are not required to make payment or would have no legal obligation to pay if you did not have this or similar coverage; Charges for failure to keep a scheduled visit or charges for completion of a Claim form; Personal hygiene, comfort, or convenience items commonly used for other than medical purposes, such as air conditioners, humidifiers, physical fitness equipment, televisions, and telephones; Special braces, splints, specialized equipment, appliances, ambulatory apparatus, battery controlled implants, except as specifically mentioned in this Policy; Eyeglasses, contact lenses, or cataract lenses and the examinations for prescribing or fitting of glasses or contact lenses or for determining the refractive state of the eye, except as specifically mentioned in this Policy; Treatment of flat foot conditions and the prescription of supportive devices for such conditions and the treatment of subluxations of the foot or routine foot care; Immunizations, unless otherwise stated in this Policy; Maintenance Occupational Therapy, Maintenance Physical Therapy, and Maintenance Speech Therapy; Speech Therapy when rendered for the treatment of psychosocial speech delay, behavioral problems (including impulsive behavior and impulsivity syndrome), attention disorder, conceptual handicap, or mental retardation; Hearing aids or examinations for the prescription or fitting of hearing aids; Diagnostic Service as part of routine physical examinations or check-ups, premarital examinations, determination of the refractive errors of the eyes, auditory problems, surveys, case finding, research studies, screening, or similar procedures and studies, or tests which are Investigational, unless otherwise specified in this Policy; Procurement or use of prosthetic devices, special appliances, and surgical implants which are for cosmetic purposes, or unrelated to the treatment of a disease or injury; Services and supplies provided for the diagnosis and/or treatment of infertility including, but not limited to, Hospital services, Medical Care ,therapeutic injection, fertility and other drugs, Surgery, artificial insemination, and all forms of in-vitro fertilization; Maternity Service, including related services and supplies, unless selected as an option (Complications of Pregnancy are covered as any other illness); Long Term Care; Inpatient Private Duty Nursing Service; Maintenance Care; Wigs (also referred to as cranial prothesis); and services and supplies rendered or provided for human organ or tissue transplants other than those specifically named in this policy.

READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY — This outline of coverage provides a brief description of the important features of the Policy. This is not the insurance contract, and only the actual Policy provisions will control. The Policy itself sets forth in detail the rights and obligations of both you and your insurance company. It is, therefore, important that you READ YOUR POLICY CAREFULLY!